Hi, I am so glad that you are here. I am a certified Holistic Health Coach, wifey, & mama of three beautiful children. My passion for living a healthy lifestyle originates from a genuine & desperate search to overcome the icky feeling of merely surviving. Physically, I desired to feel my best, look my best, & operate at my highest potential. I knew deep down, that it was possible to thrive, despite what seemed to be the norm.
As I entered into the beautiful season of motherhood, I quickly learned how imperative it was to steward my body temple with excellence. When we neglect our bodies or remain a victim to poor lifestyle habits, it is guaranteed that what could be a beautiful season of motherhood is now likely to be a never ending battle of near survival each day. If you are also in the depths of motherhood, I'm sure you can relate.
Thankfully, we are not doomed or destined to struggle through motherhood. Sure, some days are inevitably going to be harder than others. However, God created our bodies with the ability to thrive through this season of life, & yes, this includes both pregnancy & postpartum!
Despite what has been normalized in motherhood, such as unavoidable weight gain, bloating, permanent under eye bags, a default setting of feeling irritated, saying goodbye to personal care, & never having the time to work on ourselves as individuals, I am here to tell you that motherhood can actually be one of the best seasons of life you could ever experience, full of bliss, health, vitality, energy, & joy!
I know, I know. You are probably thinking, "no way is that possible for me". But I am here to tell you, that yes, it is completely possible for you! You deserve to feel, look, & operate at your best mama! I am living proof, along with thousands of other mamas who have also created this reality.
Living an organic healthy lifestyle with great habits that serve me has been incredibly fruitful in my life, especially in this prime season of motherhood. I have experienced optimal & vibrant health throughout three pregnancies, successful breastfeeding experiences, incredible recovery postpartum, balanced hormones, high quality of sleep, stable mood, increased energy levels, great appetite, & my metabolism has not slowed down one single bit!
I am incredible blessed to declare that this has been my reality, however, this hasn't occurred by chance or by luck.
I have been incredibly mindful to ...
Nourish my body with high quality, organic, whole-foods
Create & prioritize healthy habits that promote health & vitality
Shift many mindsets around motherhood & maintaining health
Understand the female reproductive organs
Manage my time (carve out time for activities that serve me)
Set a positive example for my children on how to steward our body temples with excellence
​​Break out of instant gratification & train my mind to be disciplined with routine & diet
Invest in my health & wellbeing
Not compromise or people please/set boundaries in my life
In my course "Nourished Mama" I teach you how you can also thrive & flourish through motherhood!